
The condition of the oral mucosa is one of the indicators of how healthy our bodies are. Even if the mucosa is healthy, there are still many bacteria on it. All it takes is for the immune system to weaken just a little and they immediately activate and can cause illnesses.

Diseases of the oral mucosa can be infectious, inflammatory, viral, or fungal. When an infection enters the oral cavity, it is the mucosa that is affected first. It becomes inflamed, begins to bleed, and becomes thinner. Signs of oral disease include pain, different types of rashes and a change in colour of tissue.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

For diseases of the oral mucosa, the Vita-Hyal line of products is proven to be effective as part of complex therapy.

The main component of the products in the line is sodium hyaluronate. Vita-Hyal promotes faster regeneration of the oral mucosa. It covers defects of the mucosa, protecting the nerves of the submucosa from food and bacteria, and therefore reducing pain.

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