
UroDapter® is an urological syringe adapter that replaces the catheter, provides painless intravesicular instillation and reduces the risk of infections and complications.

UroDapter® can be attached directly to the syringe so that any solution can be injected into the bladder.

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UroDapter® is an urological syringe adapter that replaces the catheter, provides painless intravesicular instillation and reduces the risk of infections and complications.

UroDapter® can be attached directly to the syringe so that any solution can be injected into the bladder.

Indications: any solution can be dripped with UroDapter® into the bladder, provided that it does not have a harmful effect on nearby tissues or organs.


The device can be used to treat the following conditions:


Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS)


Recurrent bladder infections (UTIs)


Post-cancer treatment: chemotherapy-induced cystitis


Post-cancer treatment: radiation cystitis


Prevention of local recurrence of bladder cancer in female patients


Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB)


Administration of analgesics, local anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents for any indication


UroDapter® can also be used for diagnostic purposes such as retrograde urethrography, fistulography

What is UroDapter®?

It is made from elastic medical polymer

Specially designed rounded tip provides easy access to the external urethral opening

Isolating collar ensures leak-free intravesicular instillation

Ribbed handle allows holding it securely during installation

The connecting tail can be attached to Luer Slip and Luer Lock syringes

It penetrates into the urethra only to a depth of 6-8 mm

It is a small device with many advantages:

UroDapter® instillation is painless

UroDapter® does not damage the urethra

Unlike catheters, UroDapter® does not increase the risk of urinary tract infections

Instillation causes much less complications after treatment

UroDapter® can be used for concomitant treatment of bladder and urethra

Duration and cost of treatment is much lower

It is very convenient and safe for instillations for men

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