UROLIFE herbal tea

UROLIFE herbal tea is intended for the prevention and treatment of bladder inflammatory diseases as part of a combination therapy.

UROLIFE herbal tea - фото - 3

UROLIFE herbal tea is intended for the prevention and treatment of bladder inflammatory diseases as part of a combination therapy.

Form of issue: Filter bag


  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmatic
  • Antibacterial
  • Soothing
  • General tonic

Indications: acute cystitis or exacerbation of chronic cystitis in women

UROLIFE, herbal tea composition:

  • Organy
  • Hypericum perforatum
  • Solidago cirgaurea
  • Melissa
  • Mint
  • Polygonum aviculare
  • Achillea L
  • Bidens L
  • Salvia officinalis
  • Rosa canina

20 tea bags, 2 grams each.

Effect: It reduces the frequency of exacerbations of cystitis and mitigates relapses course.

Cycle: one bag three times a day for at least three months



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