Fissulen gel

Fissulen is a gel for the care of intimate parts of the body.

Fissulen gel - фото - 5

Fissulen is a gel for the care of intimate parts of the body.

Size: 30 mL
Form of issue: colorless, transparent gel, packaged in tubes.

The action of the FISSULIN gel is due to the components included in its composition:

  • Hyaluronic acid promotes rapid regeneration of the epithelium and has a long-lasting moisturizing effect;
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid has a relaxing and analgesic effect.

The properties of the components of the FISULENE gel will be useful in acute and chronic anal fissure, promote healing of postoperative wounds, such as after excision of anal fissures.

The mechanism of action of the components of the FISSULIN gel :

The components included in the gel have a stimulating effect on cellular and tissue immunity, trigger the work of many different structures producing active components, which in turn stimulate the process of wound healing and restoration of normal tissue structure, have anti-inflammatory and reparative effects, contribute to the restoration of the glycosaminocycan layer. Hyaluronic and gamma-aminobutyric acids contribute to the activation of regenerative processes, including in the treatment of anal fissures, after vacuum latex ligation of internal hemorrhoids, in the preoperative and postoperative period (excision of anal fissures, formations of the perianal region, including by radio wave surgery).



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