ArgiProl gel

Products – широкий ассортимент ArgiProl gel – купить с доставкой
ArgiProl gel - фото - 5
Size: 30 mL
Form of issue: colorless, transparent gel, packaged in tubes

The composition of ArgiProl gel includes:

  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • L-Proline
  • L-Arginine

Indications: care for intimate areas of the skin (perineum, anus) ArgiProl gel components can be useful in acute and chronic anal fissure: to reduce the increased tone of the anal sphincter and improve regeneration.

A fissure in the anus (anal fissure) is one of the most common diseases in proctology. There are two types of anal fissures: acute and chronic (recurrent). Symptoms of a fissure in the anus are pain, itching, and burning in the anus. The current view of the pathogenesis of chronic anal fissure is based on the pathologically increased tone of the sphincter of the anus. As a result, the blood circulation of the skin and mucous membranes in the anus is disrupted – which leads to a defect. In addition ruptures of the mucous membrane of the anus may occur with each bowel movement, due to spasm of the sphincter of the anus. So, the treatment of a chronic anal fissure includes surgical methods (excision of an anal fissure) and therapeutic methods aimed at preventing recurrence of an anal fissure after surgical treatment. The main therapeutic method for the treatment of chronic anal fissure is the so-called chemical denervation, which leads to the removal of spasm of the anus sphincter. Ointments are manufactured abroad for the treatment of anal fissure, which include medicinal products that reduce the increased tone of the anal sphincter: nifedipine, diltiazem, nitroglycerin. Unfortunately, in Russia ointments and creams with nifedipine for the treatment of anal fissure are not registered, as well as ointment with nitroglycerin. In addition, these medicinal products have side effects: blood pressure drop, headache. A good effect is demonstrated by injections of 30–50 UNITS of BOTOX into the anus sphincter, but they are also not officially approved yet. Therefore, proctologists from the Royal Medical Center (Nottingham, UK) have developed a gel for the treatment of chronic anal fissure, containing the amino acid L-Arginine, which is a donor of nitric oxide and reduces the increased tone of the anus sphincter.

The treatment lasted 12 weeks.

According to the successful study results of our British colleagues, we decided to develop ArgiProl gel for the treatment of chronic anal fissure based on:

- Magnesium (anal sphincter spasm relief)

- Gamma-aminobutyric acid (relaxation of the sphincter and improvement of the perianal region skin trophism)

- Hyaluronic acid (improving the regeneration of the anus mucosa)

- L-Proline (improving the trophism of the skin and mucous membranes).

ArgiProl is recommended to be used topically, applied to the skin and mucous membranes in the anus 5–6 times per day for 12 weeks.

It is recommended to perform anorectal manometry before and after treatment to assess the results of treatment and prognosis. Also visit a proctologist 1–2 times a year to perform control anorectal manometry – a timely diagnosed increase in the tone of the anus sphincter will help to prevent recurrence of anal fissure.



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