
Today we sometimes really lack vigor, energy – in order to endure daily nervous and moral stress. We decided to develop a vitamin and mineral complex that improves performance, enhances resistance to stress, emotional and mental load. Since vitamins nowadays have to be taken for a long time, we decided to make ALAKRIVIT tasty and convenient for use – in the form of a gel for oral administration. It is always ready to use, it does not need to be dissolved or washed down. And it is delicious. ALAKRIVIT is intended for those who make important decisions – to reduce the likelihood of mistakes, for those who work a lot – to get tired less and not to lose pleasure from work!

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Today we sometimes really lack vigor, energy – in order to endure daily nervous and moral stress. We decided to develop a vitamin and mineral complex that improves performance, enhances resistance to stress, emotional and mental load. Since vitamins nowadays have to be taken for a long time, we decided to make ALAKRIVIT tasty and convenient for use – in the form of a gel for oral administration. It is always ready to use, it does not need to be dissolved or washed down. And it is delicious. ALAKRIVIT is intended for those who make important decisions – to reduce the likelihood of mistakes, for those who work a lot – to get tired less and not to lose pleasure from work!

Size: 100 mL
Form of issue: gel

Thanks to this composition and adequate doses of vitamins and microelements, ALAKRIVIT will help you cope with stress and mental load – it will help you make the right decision in any situation.

Vitamin В6

It is responsible for the central nervous system functioning, its resistance to stress and mental stress;


It is necessary for normal sleep, and it also increases stress resistance and reduces irritability. Magnesium will allow you not to get irritated at a mere nothing, to keep calm and sane in any circumstances. Magnesium improves sleeping – and good sleeping increases performance.

Vitamin С

It is an excellent immunomodulator, in addition, it enhances resistance to emotional, physical and mental stress


It is essential for the synthesis of choline, which is very important for the nervous system and improves memory

Vitamin В9(folic acid)

It is necessary for the immune and hematopoietic systems. It creates and keeps healthy new cells in the body. It is extremly needed for men for normal sperm production

Vitamin D3

Low vitamin D3 levels lead to decreased immunity, testosterone levels. It has been proven that patients with low levels of vitamin D3 are more likely to suffer from diabetes mellitus, ARVI. Vitamin D3 intake improves immunity, performance and productivity.

Vitamin PP

It reduces blood cholesterol levels, dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves microcirculation, hence memory and performance

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid).

Fatigue, depression, insomnia, tiredness and headaches develop with B5 lack. Also, the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach rises and epigastric burning appears with its lack.

Vitamin В2

It is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B6 and folacin, it is necessary for erythrocytes, antibodies formation. It supports thyroid function. It improves the epidermis and skin regeneration.


Adults: 1 teaspoon (5 mL) 2 times per day with food. Administration duration: 1 month. If necessary, the cycle can be repeated. Check with your doctor before use.



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